Polar Code Ice Navigation Simulator
Morild IceNav simulator is the perfect tool for training deck officers to navigate in polar waters. This cost-effective training solution is based on VR technology which means that you get low hardware cost and high portability. In other words – training anywhere, anytime, even on board vessels.
Our ice navigation simulator has a comprehensive instructor and scenario builder application where the instructor can control weather and daylight settings, add vessels to the scenario, change location, add props and voice communication with participants in the training exercise. This application can also be used to playback sessions for analysis and review.
The simulator allows for multiple operators and vessels. The operators navigate by visuals and/or using ice radar and ECS – depending on weather conditions. You can have multiple operators on the same bridge and voice communication between them. In addition, you can also have multiple vessels and crew with communication between them in the same scenario. Our ice simulation model features realtime collision and fracturing.
The Morild IceNav is developed in close co-operation with leading operators in polar areas, such as 90North Ice Consulting, Viking Ice Consultancy and the Arctic University of Tromsø (UiT). The simulator can be delivered as a portable system or as conventional stationary solution.
The Morild IceNav simulator is approved by Swedish Maritime Administration for use in certified Polar Code courses. Around 350+ people a year complete basic and advanced Polar Code courses using the Morild IceNav for the ice navigation training.

Features & Functionality

State of the art intuitive physics based VR hand interaction
Multi-user functionality for avatars w/voice communication (via LAN and/or internet)
Instructor station tablet application
Recording and playback of training sessions
Second to none visual realism, quality and immersion
Possibility for custom vessel and bridge
Ice chart w/ECS overlay
Autopilot w/ECS path track integration
Ice Radar
Multiple vessels (target and own)
Physics based ice simulation with realitme fracturing
Complete Polar Code compliant scenario package
Portable solution (fits in a laptop backpack)
Geo-specific location of Svalbard, size 500km x 500km, video captured in real time from our Morild IceNav simulator. Elevation data used to construct our 3D terrain is supplied by the Norwegian Polar Institute. This model is used in our Polar Code compliant ice navigation training scenarios.
Scenario Builder
An integral part of Morild IceNav is the Morild Builder instructor station and scenario builder. With the Morild Builder you can create, control and manipulate complex scenarios in realtime. The application is also used as an advanced instructor station during scenario training, and for playback analysis in debriefing. It can also be used as a tool to plan operations, and it features realtime weather and sea state parameters, daylight system, advanced voyage route editing and much much more. We can also deliver any geo-specific location of your choice for your scenarios.
You can setup ice fields and characteristics, add ice bergs. These will be affected by wind and ocean currents realistically in the scenario.
Instructor Station
Our tablet application gives the instructor full control of the training session. The instructor can also communicate wirelessly with the training candidates using the tablets microphone and speaker.
Functionality overview:
Time of day control
Ocean wave spectrum parameter adjustments
Wind direction and speed
Visibility adjustment (fog)
Rain / snow
Multi-user role/position assignment
Voice communication with participants
Spawn vessels

Portable – train anywhere and anytime, even on site / on board vessel
Multi-user – collaborate in the same scenario, from same or different locations
High training volume – simulator allows trainees to repeat training without increased cost
Safety – no risk of harm or damage to personnel or equipment
Cost effective – both in acquisition and operation (hardware: only laptop and VR headset)
Scalable – add twin simulators at low cost for more complex scenarios and/or parallel training
Virtual equipment 100% match real world
Plans & Pricing
Our subscription plans are designed to reduce risk in acquisition of training simulators, and to scale and follow your business model.
At the bottom of this page you find a link to more information about subscription plans and pricing.

Portable setup – fits in a laptop backpack